BAYOL where FaceSeekr hangs in the Kingdom

Blessed Abiding Yealded Obedient Loved

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FaceSeekr co-pastors C Team Chapel, alongside her husband, they go into the highways and hedges and compel “THEM” to come in. Delivered in 1986, by the Grace of God, from a lifestyle that carries it’s own death sentence. She had fellowshipped with spirits all her life, living life on the Dark Side, and practicing all the vices that go along with it. Drugs, alcohol, perversion and witchcraft had led her to the place THEY wanted her to be. BUT GOD… Had other plans. He reached in and Pulled her from the hold of Satan. Now, she who has been forgiven much, reaches back and helps Pull others from the flames.

Monday, August 29, 2005

"Situational ethics"

"Situational ethics" - lies that sound nice

By Joyce Morrison
from eco-logic Powerhouse


"To call a spade a spade" is an old saying that dates back to about 300 B.C., meaning "to speak forthright."

If something was a lie, it was called a lie. Now, we call it "situational ethics."

The situation could mean that we would benefit, if we don't tell the whole truth - just one side is told, and we just conveniently forget to tell the rest.

Or, maybe we stretch the facts to make a situation appear to be different from what it is.

In election years, we hear a lot of "situational ethics."

When the serpent tempted Eve, he changed one word, and the whole meaning of what God had said was changed... and, they were deceived in the Garden. This was the beginning of "situational ethics."

How have we gotten so politically correct, that if someone lies today, he is excused by "situational ethics," and he is not held accountable? In order to promote an agenda, a situation calls for a certain response. The ethics of today permits you to tell the story to fit your situation, regardless if it is the whole truth, and in spite of its potential impact on someone else


Blogger crossblade said...

thats a great post..
it hurts me to see when some christians follow this SE thing..
its soo unbiblical..
they ask"whts wrong? who am I hurting? nobody right? so I can do anything "

your posts are a blessing
God bless you

12:40 AM  
Blogger FaceSeekr said...

Thank you Thomas for your comment, it is sad that i would have to make such a statement on my Blog, but in truth i hope that the people who are harassing Amanda and Stephers will read it and be convicted of their ungodly actions. we are dealing with a situation that is very sad in that an adult is influencing her children in such a carnal manner. it is bad enough that the world is so antagonistic toward the body of Christ, but to have small minded people who call themselves spiritual to be the source of such pain and contention is sadder still. but is not with out president, even Paul had to deal with backbiters and meatheads (carnally minded). respect is something we give, but when it is treated with distain, it has to be earned back.
You are in my prayers, I think of you often, be blessed in your school and internship. and keep of the march for the cause of the Lord.

10:57 AM  
Blogger crossblade said...

thank you for praying for intership is over..I just need to make a report now :)
will surely pray for you too

God bless you

11:28 AM  

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